Monday, 4 August 2014

Week 3


We took photographs of ourselves and used the liquify filters in Photoshop to manipulate them into pixies.  The main tools used in this technique are the bloat tool to make the eyes bigger, the pucker tool to make the chin smaller and the warp tool to reshape.

We tested these out first using photos of animals.  Here is the cat photo I manipulated.

Figure 1: Pixie Cat. Original Sourced from 

Next I applied these techniques to my own photo.  To finish it off I added a surface blur and upped the saturation.

Figure 2: Pixie Manipulation

Figure 3: Pixie Manipulation 2

I decided to have another shot at the pixie photo manipulation.  This time I choose a photo that showed my ears so I could add Pixie-fy them too!

I took photos in the gardens around Invercargill, to add to the Pixie feel of the piece.

Figure 4: Second attempt at Pixie

This image is much prettier than my previous pixies.

Value Paintings

In class today we also looked at value paintings and atmospheric perspective. We had to paint a scene of a hot air balloon using these techniques.

Figure 5: Value Painting

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